Self-Catering Accommodation 8 private ensuite rooms suitable for individuals, families, groups/student groups
Hall/Room Hire - Venue hire with or without accommodation (depending on the event)
Day & Evening Classes and activities to include Yoga, Gentle Exercise classes for Seniors, Circuit Training, Tai Chi, weekly Parents and Toddlers Group (Sept - June), Art classes, Observational Drawing classes, Craft classes, weekly Card games (Oct - Mar)
Opportunities for Tutors to run classes/workshops
Annual events to include Community BBQ, Summer Social, Summer Camps, Halloween event, Christmas Craft Fair etc.
The Benwiskin Centre is registered for the solemnisation of civil marriages which can include venue hire for your party with accommodation for 31-34 of your guests
Office Services including photocopying, printing and laminating for community members & guests staying at the Hostel
Wash and Dry Laundry service (during office hours)