Ballintrillick Environmental Group Company Limited by Guarantee (BEG) opened The Benwiskin Centre in July 2000. The basic aim of the Centre was for it to run as a Community Centre in the wintertime with classes, functions, entertainment and a place for the local community to use for meetings and socials and operate as a Tourist Hostel for the summertime, which would be the main revenue generator for the building. In reality, over the past 15 years we have found that we actually have guests all year round. Depending on visitors staying, we also have community usage in the summertime too. It’s a fine balance trying to accommodate both!
Click here to view a short video about the work and activities in and around The Benwiskin Centre.
9 people formed BEG in March 1992 when concerns were raised about the high levels of illegal dumping in the scenic area of Ballintrillick, North Co Sligo. A clean-up day was organised which mobilised local interest and support which became an annual event with the 25th annual clean up held this year, 2017.
The Group’s vision was and still is:-
To preserve and enhance the local community
To promote economic development within the area
To provide social amenities and activities
Preserve and enhance the local environment
To generate community goodwill, community spirit and to create economic development
In 1994 BEG decided to become a Limited Company with a board of 11 directors. At this time they approached Coillte in relation to developing the overgrown Barytes Mill site at the base of The Gleniff Horseshoe Drive in Ballintrillick. BEG purchased this site and, with the assistance of 2 FAS CE Schemes, cleared away the overgrowth, rebuilt the stables, reconstructed the water wheel, erected picnic tables and developed a woodland walk around the Barytes Mill site. The group have since produced a booklet about the site which is available online here or at The Benwiskin Centre.
In 1996 BEG participated in a FAS training programme. It was during this course that BEG identified and considered various opportunities for local development. One of their ideas that emerged was that of developing the old Vocational School in Ballintrillick.
The School had remained largely unused, was not maintained by a caretaker and had fallen into disrepair through neglect and vandalism. It was only used on an ad-hoc basis for meetings and some fundraising social events. BEG approached County Sligo VEC to obtain a long-term lease, which would be necessary for any major development work by BEG. This was achieved in June 1999, when a 20-year lease was approved.
Also in 1996, a feasibility study was carried out to assess the viability of a Hostel co-existing with a Community Centre. The positive results from this secured capital funding from Peace and Reconciliation, Sligo LEADER Partnership Board and the International Fund for Ireland. Further funding for equipping was acquired from Sligo County Enterprise Board, Social Welfare and The Ireland Funds. Finally a loan was obtained from the Sligo County Enterprise Fund and fundraising covered the shortfall. A further report was compiled by a member of BEG as part of the Diploma in Community Development Practice, which researched the viability of using the school as a dual purpose building, thus fulfilling conditions set out by Peace and Reconciliation. A marketing plan was also commissioned around this time.
In 1998 and 1999, BEG sponsored 2 successful FAS CE Schemes and they had 4 successful Student Summer Jobs Scheme placements, who held art workshops with local children.
Charitable Status was awarded to BEG in January 1999, which has been extremely important as they continue fundraising to cover their financial commitments.
In September 1999, BEG retained the services of Gerry Clancy as Contractor and construction and refurbishment work began on the Old Vocational School. The refurbished, renovated and extended building opened for business as The Benwiskin Centre in July 2000. The Centre has a large common room/community hall, a fully equipped kitchen, a dining room, a laundry, a drying room, male/female and disabled access toilets and showers, 6 en-suite bedrooms that could accommodate 28 people and a fully equipped office and reception.
All profits from The Centre are used to provide further developments by BEG in the Centre and Community.
In 2008, BEG installed Solar Panels and a Wood Pellet Boiler at the Centre with the purpose of eventually eliminating their need for oil thereby using natural energy and easing their dependence on fossil fuels.
The solar panels have been jointly funded by County Sligo Leader Partnership Company under their National Rural Development Programme and BEG.
Arigna Leader together with the Swiss Company Energidalen installed the pellet boiler.
This project was funded by County Sligo LEADER Partnership Company. The Benwiskin Centre was one of 3 pilot projects used to demonstrate the use of Wood Pellet Boilers for heat generation in community run projects.
Unfortunately, in 2016 the Wood Pellet Boiler system was decommissioned as it was inadequate to service the Centre.
We continue to seek further funding to enable us to do even more work.
Grants have been received over the last few years (2019 - 2023) from the following agencies for the projects listed below:-
Department of Rural and Community Development - Community Services Programme / Support Fund / Operational funding
BEG receives funding from The Department of Rural and Community Development, administered by Pobal under the Community Services Programme which supports wage costs. During Covid-19 we also received additional funding under the Support Fund towards wage costs and further funding for operational expenses.
2023 - 2027 - Community Services Programme - New Contract
New Contract secured for funding towards staff wages - was €97,099 annually now €104,525.
BEG top up wages from their own funds. In 2023 this was approximately €39,740.
Sligo Co. Council/Sligo Local Community Development/Sligo Leader - Sligo Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020
Capital funding received for extension and renovation works at the Centre in 2019 - €181,411.26
BEG's contribution towards project - €60,000.
Further details below.
Department of Rural and Community Development / Dormant Account Funds 2019 - 2020
Funding received for refurbishment of parts of the Centre - €20,000.
BEG contribution towards project approx - €5,000.
Failte Ireland - Covid-19 Adaption Fund 2020
Support received for expenses incurred in equipping staff with PPE and adapting the Centre in accordance with Failte Ireland guidelines to enable us to re-open the hostel during Covid-19 restrictions - €1,000
Dept. of Rural and Community Development/Sligo Leader Partnership - Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme 2021
Funding secured for the upgrade of the Gleniff Barytes Millsite / nature trail and design and installation of information panels and signage - €20,000.
BEG's contribution towards project approx €2,265
Dept. of Rural and Community Development / Community Activities Fund 2021
Upgrade of CCTV system - €1,825
BEG's contribution towards project €552
Dept. of Rural and Community Development/Sligo Co. Council - Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021
Purchase of a bicycle shelter and sanding of the hall floor - €3,500
Dept. of Rural and Community Development/Sligo Co. Council/LCDC - Community Enhancement Programme 2021
Purchase of a polycarbonate polytunnel for the Benwiskin Centre Community Garden Project - €830
Dept. of Education - Community Education Scheme and Art Grant
Various forms of funding received over the years from Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board towards tuition fees for Adult Art classes/Observational Drawing classes and cooking demos. Previous support also included tuition hours for Ipad classes/basket making, workshops to include Basic Reflexology, Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing and Portfolio Preparation.
Various Arts Grants received over the last few years to hold outdoor Art and Writing workshops, some during Covid-19 restrictions
2020 - Arts grant - outdoor art workshops during Covid-19 restrictions - €2,500
2021 - Arts Education Scheme and Arts Grant - €2,059.50
2022 - Arts Grant - €686.50
2023 - Community Education Scheme - 118 tuition hours, paid directly to tutors @ €40 per hour
2023 - Arts Education Grant Scheme - €2,530
Community and Economic Development/Sligo Co. Council - Community and Voluntary Grants Scheme
2021 - Support for tutor's fees for hosting Zoom events during Covid-19 lockdowns. The 2 events held were 'Introduction to Horticulture' and 'Wildlife at Bunduff'.
2023 - Support for purchase of BBQ and pizza oven for community events - €625
Dept. of Housing, Planning and Government/Local Authorities Water Programme - Community Water Development Fund 2021 - 2023
2021/22 - Support for Tutor's fees for guided walks/talks about wildlife/maintaining good water quality - Duff and Ballintrillick Rivers - €300
2023 - Biodiversity Recording workshop at the Duff River - €650
2023 - Biodiversity workshop at St. Aidan's National School, Ballintrillick as part of Heritage in Schools Programme - €760
Dept. of Rural and Community Development / Community Support Fund 2023
Support for operational costs 2022/23 - €2,000
Sligo County Childcare Committee
Support over several years of the Benwiskin Centre Summer Camps - from €500 - €600 per year up to 2022.
Previously we have received funding for a variety of projects, some of which are listed below:-
Sligo Co. Council - PEACE III funding
Dartry Youth Group, a new youth group in the area, participated in workshops based on team building, cultural diversity, prejudice, racism, stereotyping and confident building. Drumcliffe Youth Group were also involved in the project
Sligo Co. Council - Heritage Department
Funding enabled us to produce a booklet about the Barytes Mill Site at the base of the Gleniff Horseshoe, a Walking and Cycling booklet and a Heritage booklet and information boards about the local flora and fauna
Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund
Tuition fees for the Community Garden Project/Polytunnel/Rainwater harvesting project, flora and fauna annual events
Co. Sligo LEADER Partnership Co. Ltd.
Pilot project for Pellet Boiler system
Upgrade of Millsite amenity area (part funded by Sligo LEADER and BEG)
Well Women Wellbeing programme
HSE (Lottery funding)
Funding towards the purchase of flat screen TV, electrical work, signage, a projector, outdoor equipment, staff training
BT Community Connections
Awarded us a free laptop for community use and free internet access for community use
The Community Foundation for Ireland
Assistance under their Grassroots Grant Scheme towards tutors fees for our Active Elderly Group
BEG also do a number of fundraising activities at the Centre to include BEG's Socials, Halloween events, Christmas activities to include Family Festive Fun Day or Christmas Fair. Volunteers Pat McGowan and Johnny Duignan ran the very popular card games at the Centre like clockwork on Tuesdays from the end of October to end of March for many many years but sadly Johnny passed away 12th Aug. 2020, which was a great loss in the community. After a break, Pat recommenced the card games and is now ably assited by Paddy Connolly and Liam Glenane. Proceeds from all games are donated to BEG.
2010 - 2018
In 2010, BEG celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the opening of The Benwiskin Centre. 3 days of activities were held which proved hugely successful.
During 2011/2012, 3 members of BEG together with the Manager of The Benwiskin Centre took part in the International Fund for Ireland's 'Community Leadership Programme' delivered by NICVA. The aim of this 1 year programme was to strengthen the leadership capacity of our group through training, facilitation, workshops and action learning projects.
As part of this programme, the Manager also received a University of Ulster Certificate in Management Practice.
In July 2012, The Benwiskin Centre was listed at number 1 in the ‘Top Five Green Hostels in Europe’ in an article written by Catherine Mack for the National Geographic’s Traveller Magazine.
Awards the Group have received in recent years:-
2010 - All-Island Co-operation Ireland Pride of Place Competition as 'Single Issue Winner in the Community Response to Unemployment' category. BEG came 2nd in their category
2012 - Sligo Leader Partnership - Achievement Award
2013 - Sligo Business Awards - Best Tourism Award - Finalist
2014 - Save Our Planet Awards Panel's Choice - Environmentally Responsible Business
2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 - Award of Excellence - based on customer's reviews
2016 - Sligo Business Awards - 'Best Community Enterprise' - Winner
2017 - Get Involved Sustainable Community Initiative - Finalist (highly commended)
2017 - BEG celebrated their 25th Anniversary as a community group. Several events were held throughout the year to mark this very special occasion.
2019 - 2020
From Jan - July 2019, parts of The Benwiskin Centre were extended and renovated to enable the Centre to better suit the needs of Centre users today. The Contractors, Donlon Civil and Building Services were the Contractors for the project and they have done a fantastic job.
Capital funding for this project was supported by Sligo Rural Development Programme 2014 - 2020 in the sum of approx. €181,411.26. Additional costs were financed by €60,000 from BEG's own funds which included donations received from the weekly card games held at the Centre and bridging finance and a loan from Clann Credo.
Following the above project, a further €25,000 was spent on refurbishing other areas of the Hostel which were financed by a €20,000 grant under the Dormant Account Funds and €5,000 of BEG's own funds.
We now have:-
Present day
Services offered at the Centre include:-
Spring/Autumn classes/activities available at the Centre:-
Yoga, Tai Chi, Circuit Training, Exercise for Seniors, Art, Observational Drawing, Nutrition course, Mindfulness course, Crochet classes, Needle Felting classes etc.
Community Garden Project (Mar - Oct)
Parents and Toddlers Group (Sept - June)
Summer Camps (July/Aug)
Base for North Sligo Community Walking Group
Present Directors (June 2023)
Laura Roberts - Chairperson
Rosemary McGovern - Company Secretary
Ian Green - Treasurer
Noreen Duignan
Pat McGowan
Edmund Kelly
We confirm that our organisation complies with the Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.
We offer services to a community that has in recent years lost its Post Office, shop/pub, Co-Operative store and is also in danger of losing its church too which is partially closed as there is now only 1 priest covering the whole Parish. The Centre is a lifeline to all the different people and families around us who would have to travel a distance to find similar services. The Benwiskin Centre is a hub of activity in a quiet rural area. In the absence of any alternative, The Benwiskin Centre is an essential community resource.
Thank you to all those who have supported us over the years and we hope to have many more to come!