Call: 00 353 (0)71 91 76721

Green Projects at The Benwiskin Centre

Community Garden Project at The Benwiskin Centre

Environmental Policy

Ballintrillick Environmental Group believes that everything we do has an impact on the environment. We are committed to maintaining a high standard of environmental performance through sustainable actions, we will ensure this through an annual review of the environmental impact of the business conducted by The Benwiskin Centre. We will ensure that we maintain high eco-tourism standards.

The Benwiskin Centre aims to be proactive in implementing best environmentally friendly practices.

This aim will be met by achieving the following objectives:

  • Adhere to all relevant environmental legislation and industry standards
  • Reduce our use of non-renewable resources
  • Reduce our reliance on energy produced from non renewable resources
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle waste wherever possible
  • Prevent and minimise pollution
  • Use all resources efficiently
  • Increase our use of recycled materials and materials from renewable sources
  • Promote environmentally friendly practices with staff guests and the public through action
  • 5% Reduction on oil consumption in the next 12 months
  • 5% reduction on electricity consumption in the next 12 months
  • 10% reduction in waste in the next 12 months
  • 10% reduction in water consumption

Community Gardens

Currently at The Benwiskin Centre:

  • Grows fresh organic herbs on site
  • In conjunction with the Organic Centre in Rossinver, a community organic garden project has been developed on site.  A rainwater harvesting system is used for this project and the gardens at the Centre.
  • Provides a woodland walk for visitors & guests
  • Conducted annual clean-ups in the Ballintrillick area for over 25 years
  • Has done tree planting on the Centre’s grounds
  • Has built a willow sculpture in the garden
  • Conserves water and energy
  • Has an extensive recycling programme to help reduce waste
  • Monitors and is reducing its reliance on non- renewable resources
  • Installed solar panels
  • Monitors and is reducing the use of non-ecological detergents and disinfectants and replacing them with ecological products
  • Monitors and is reducing the use of dangerous chemicals and where possible replacing them with environmentally safe products
  • Educating, training and encouraging staff to work in an environmentally sound manner. Staff are encouraged to develop new ideas and initiatives
  • Provides guests and visitors with information about local amenities, conservation initiatives and other environmental projects being implemented
  • Installed a polytunnel for the community garden project group to help with the growth of organic produce

Benwiskin Centre - EU Flower Ecolabel Accredited 2008 - 2016

EU Ecolabel

In July 2008, the Benwiskin Centre was awarded the EU Flower Ecolabel Certification in recognition of their 'Green' approach to their services from the European Commission under the Tourist Accommodation category.

The EU Flower Ecolabel is a unique certification scheme, established in 1992, aimed to help European consumers distinguish greener, more environmentally friendly, products and services.

Although  we no longer continue to register for the EU Flower Ecolabel we continue with our green efforts here at the Centre to include the use of solar panels, recycle waste, composting, harvesting of rain water, use of energy efficient light-bulbs and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products.

In 2008, we also installed a wood pellet boiler, combined with the solar panels our aim was to be completely independet of fossil fuels.  Unfortunately the wood pellet boiler was decommissioned in 2016 as it was insufficient to service the Centre.

The Centre is liberally supplied with information and advice for guests to encourage actions that promote and continue these measures.


The Eco-Project

Community Garden at Benwiskin Centre

Reducing the Benwiskin Centre’s Carbon Footprint
By Noreen Duignan, Group member

Since the foundation of BEG back in 1992, our consistent aim has been the enhancement and preservation of the environment. We have been very faithful to our aims over the years, particularly in our continued annual clean-ups of the locality. Combined with this, we have developed the Mill Site in The Gleniff Horseshoe as an amenity area with walks, picnic area and restoration of the stables on the site. Over the years we have planted hardwood trees, while at The Benwiskin Centre we are currently running our 12th year of our community garden.

Participants of this project learn all about organic gardening from the digging stage to the final cooking of the vegetables and fruit.

At the Centre we operate a reduce, re-use and recycle policy. As an extension of our efforts to preserve and enhance the environment, we also use solar panels.


‘Listed Number 1 in the Top Five Green Hostels in Europe’ July 2012

The Benwiskin Centre was listed at number 1 in the ‘Top Five Green Hostels in Europe’ in an article written by Catherine Mack for the National Geographic’s Traveller Magazine.

Catherine Mack is an accomplished Journalist and freelance travel writer who is also an Ethical Traveller. Catherine is a passionate advocate of responsible tourism. Also in the top 5 were places in Crete, England, Southern Norway and Scotland. Catherine said about The Benwiskin Centre:

“Hire bikes and discover some of Ireland’s wildest and wettest valleys while staying at the Centre in the foothills of The Dartry Mountains. In the shadow of Benwiskin Peak, it features bunk rooms sleeping four and eight, plus a family room – all heated by solar panels and wood pellet boiler.“

Preserving and enhancing our local environment

The Benwiskin Centre
Hostel & Self-Catering Accommodation
Co Sligo

Call: 071 91 76721

Open: 9 - 5 Mon to Fri
Out of hours until:10pm daily
+353 (0)87 414 9189

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